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A New Look

Over the last decade, we’ve been very busy working to grow and serve you in 14 communities across southwestern Ontario. We are now ready to ensure we reflect the level of care and professionalism our team provides to our members every day, online, for the rest of Ontario to discover.

Accessible From all Angles

From the look and feel of the website to the display of the information, our has been carefully crafted to prioritize accessibility.

Improved User Experience

You shouldn’t need to guess where to find the details you require. Fast access to accurate and easy-to-understand information was at the forefront of this build. Our updated navigation provides financial knowledge to all types of visitors, even when everyone else is fast asleep.

IMPORTANT is moving to

As you familiarize yourself with our new design and web address consider the following to ensure you’re in the right place.

What’s in a name? was and will always be our first web address ❤️.

However, as we are improving our digital presence, we thought giving our website a new web address was fitting.

Therefore over the next several weeks, you may land on pages that reflect both:

Rest assured, both websites are legitimate.

Double-check the URL

If you receive a message with a link from WFCU or a third-party but are not convinced it is legitimate, manually type ‘’ in your search bar to ensure you’re directed to the correct website.

Three’s a charm – added access to online banking

In addition to accessing your online banking via our mobile app and the original login page (, you will now have a third way to access online banking – on the homepage.

Tip: please consider bookmarking this new login point on your browser.

It is important to stay safe and secure when browsing the internet.

Protecting your personal and financial information is critical. To ensure your online experience is as secure as possible, it’s important to follow these best practices and continually educate yourself on the latest tools and resources available to safeguard your information.

Learn More About Safe Browsing