WFCU Credit Union and its divisions proudly supports many of the community’s most impactful organizations, events, and initiatives. Our community relations program allows us to identify the greatest needs in the communities we serve, and collaborate to address them effectively. With an emphasis on youth, education, and health, our signature INSPIRE event series includes programming for all ages and is focused on creating unique experiences for families that are engaging, educational, and inspiring.

WFCU Credit Union is proud to be a certified Caring Company through Imagine Canada.

INSPIRE Signature Events
INSPIREÂ combines existing WFCU community investment initiatives with new signature events that aim to provide engaging, entertaining, and educational opportunities for people to come together as a community.
Easter Egg Drop
25,000 Easter eggs are dropped from a helicopter for children to collect at this one-of-a-kind event.

Joy of Giving
In the spirit of the holiday season, WFCU employees come together to give back to the community.

Regional Spelling Bee
Students in Windsor-Essex and Chatham-Kent in grades 1 through 8 compete to represent our region at the Scripps National Spelling Bee.

Trick or Trot
Ghouls, ghosts, and goblins of all ages come together for a Halloween-themed family fun run.

Bloom Garden Recognition Program
The WFCU Credit Union Bloom Garden Recognition Program promotes community pride among our residents and encourages active participation in our community.
Whether through prize donations for a fundraiser or WFCU staff volunteers, our gifts-in-kind program allows us to provide non-monetary donations to community organizations in need of support.
Do you have an opportunity for WFCU?
Fill out our sponsorship application and our Community Investment team will get back to you.